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Master of Science in Anesthesia

The Saint Louis University Anesthesiologist Assistant (AA) Program is a 27-month, year-round graduate program with a rigorous didactic and clinical curriculum. The inaugural class will start May 2025. The 2025-2026 application cycle will open April 1, 2025.

Program Mission

The primary mission of the Saint Louis University M.M.Sc in Anesthesia is to educate and train skilled and anesthesia care team model.

Program Goal

To prepare competent, entry level anesthesiologist assistants in the cognitive(knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains who will practice in the anesthesia care team model.

What is a C.A.A.?

Certified anesthesiologist assistants (C.A.A.s) are highly skilled health professionals who work under the direction of licensed anesthesiologists to implement anesthesia care plans. C.A.A.s work exclusively within the anesthesia care team environment as described by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (A.S.A.). All C.A.A.s possess a premedical background, a baccalaureate degree, and complete a comprehensive didactic and clinical program at the graduate school level. C.A.A.s are trained extensively in the delivery and maintenance of quality anesthesia care as well as advanced patient monitoring techniques. The goal of C.A.A. education is to guide the transformation of qualified student applicants into competent advanced practice providers (A.P.P.s) who aspire to practice in the anesthesia care team. More information can be found on the American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants’ website.

Professional Organizations

Participation in professional organizations is strongly encouraged while you are a student and during your professional career.

  • A.A.A.A. American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants
  • A.S.A. American Society of Anesthesiologists
  • M.S.A. Missouri Society of Anesthesiologist
  • M.O.A.A.A. Missouri Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants

Application Process

Saint Louis University will begin accepting applications for its Master of Medical Science in Anesthesia program students on April 1, 2025. Saint Louis University’s AA program has rolling admissions and will evaluate applications as they come in, and interview and admit students throughout the year.

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Apply via C.A.S.A.A.