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Clinical Trials

Healthy volunteers of all ages, races and genders are needed to continue vaccine development at the Saint Louis University Center for Vaccine Development.

Participation in a vaccine study is voluntary and confidential. All study vaccines and tests are free of charge, and volunteers receive compensation for time and travel. Participation involves completing a short online survey that includes some personal questions. Your participation is voluntary.

Current Studies

West Nile Virus Vaccine Study


West Nile Virus (WNV) is a virus primarily transmitted to people by the bite of an infected mosquito; however, WNV can also be transmitted through blood transfusion, organ transplant, and from mother to baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breast feeding. WNV disease was first reported in the U.S. in 1999 and cases occur every year. While most WNV infections cause no symptoms, nearly 25% of infected people develop a self-limiting, acute febrile illness (West Nile Fever). About 1 out of 150 to 250 WNV infected individuals develop severe neuroinvasive disease, including encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), meningitis (inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord), and acute flaccid paralysis (sudden onset of muscle weakness). Most people who develop neuroinvasive disease are over 60 years old or have a weakened immune system. Between 1999-2022, there were 28,684 cases of WNV neuroinvasive disease and 2,641 deaths due to WNV disease in the U.S. However, the true burden of disease is believed to be much higher, with estimates of nearly 3 million WNV infections resulting in approximately 780,000 illnesses.


The purpose of this study is to find out if two different dose levels of an investigational West Nile Virus (WNV) vaccine (HydroVax-001B) given on Day 1, 29 and 181 are safe and induce antibodies to WNV in healthy adult participants.

Key Points

  • You will be in this study for about 13 months.
  • All participants will receive three doses of study product.
  • You will be compensated for completed visits.
  • You must be between 18-49 years old.