Support SLU's Academic Funds
The knowledge formed on Saint Louis University’s campus today will shape tomorrow for communities around the world. Supporting academics at SLU creates a bright future for everyone.
We have been a leader in higher education since our founding more than two centuries ago, charting new territories as we advance, transmit and apply knowledge.

Each day, we build on our legacy of academic excellence coupled with the character and compassion inherent in the Jesuit tradition.
When you support SLU’s schools and colleges, you enable us to invest in technology, facilities, and — most importantly — people, including the world-class faculty and outstanding students.
Give to SLU's Colleges, Schools and Degree-Granting Centers
Learn more about opportunities to support specific academic needs across SLU.
- CADE Annual Fund
- Dr. Gus Sotiropoulos Cleft Palate Endowment
- Dr. Harold Schreiber Periodontics Development Fund
- Endodontics Annual Fund
- Orthodontics Annual Fund
- Pediatric Dentistry Fund
- College of Arts and Sciences Annual Fund
- College of Arts and Sciences Scholarship Fund
- Humanities Development Fund
- Knoedler Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Fund
- Steinway Piano Program
- Friends of Theatre and Dance Fund
- SLU College in Prison Fund
- Bridge Scholarship
- Dean's Undergraduate Public Health Endowed Scholarship
- Dr. Terry Leet Endowed Scholarship Fund
- HMP Annual Fund
- HMP Case Competition
- John J. Flanagan, S.J., Scholarship Fund
- MHA 75th Anniversary Campaign
- MPH Scholarship Fund
- Public Health and Social Justice Annual Fund
- Student Professional Development
- Biomedical Laboratory Science Academic Gift Fund
- Cheryl Cavallo Memorial Fund
- Communication Science Disorders Development Fund
- DCHS Summer Scholars Health Care Exploration Camp
- Doisy College of Health Sciences Alumni Scholarship
- Doisy College of Health Sciences Annual Fund
- Health Sciences and Informatics Academic Gift Fund
- Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapeutics Academic Gift Fund
- Nutrition and Dietetics Academic Gift Fund
- Occupational Therapy Academic Gift Fund
- Physical Therapy Academic Gift Fund
- Physician Assistant Education Academic Gift Fund
- Accounting Department Development Fund
- Business and Administration MBA Scholarship Fund
- Business and Administration Undergraduate Scholarship Fund
- Center for Supply Chain Excellence Development Fund
- Chaifetz Center for Entrepreneurship
- CSB Emerson Leadership Institute
- Ellen Harshman Endowed Scholarship in Business
- International Business Scholarship Fund
- Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business Annual Fund
- Service Leadership Fund
- Vernon Peoples Scholarship Fund
- Billiken Teacher Corps
- Chris Collins, S.J., Future Urban Teachers Scholarship
- Excellence and Equity in Education Scholarship
- Interdisciplinary Center for Autism Services Fund
- School of Education Annual Fund
- School of Education Endowed Faculty Development Fund
- School of Education Endowed Scholarship
- Center for Employment Law
- Center for Health Law Studies
- Center for International and Comparative Law
- Health Law Founders Fund
- Inclusion and Diversity Education Programming
- Law School Clinic Fund
- Law School Scholarship Fund
- Loyal to Law Annual Fund
- Public Interest Summer Stipend Fund
- SLU LAW Academic Resource Services Support Fund
- Vincent C. Immel Endowed Scholarship
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Development Fund
- Medical Center Library Fund
- School of Medicine Annual Fund
- School of Medicine Dean’s Education and Research Fund
- White Coat Scholarship Fund
- Advancing Clinical Excellence Fund
- Nursing Research Fund
- Nursing Scholarship Campaign
- School of Nursing Annual Fund
- Sr. Mary Teresa Noth, FSM, Endowed Accelerated Nursing Scholarship
- SPS Alumni Association Scholarship
- SPS Annual Fund
- SPS Scholarship Fund
- Transformative Workforce Academy Fund
- Gerald E. Dreifke Endowed Engineering Scholarship
- Institute of Technology Annual Fund for Engineering
- Oliver L. Parks Endowed Deanship
- Oliver L. Parks Memorial Flight Fee Scholarship Fund
- School of Science and Engineering Annual Fund
- School of Science and Engineering Endowed Student Scholarship
- School of Science and Engineering Graduate Programs Annual Fund
- School of Science and Engineering Student Organizations
- Senior Design Projects
- Doerr Center for Social Justice Endowment Fund
- Doerr Center Scholarship and Education Fund
- School of Social Work Annual Fund
- School of Social Work Scholarship
- Fr. Raymond Sullivant Memorial Scholarship for Madrid
- Madrid Annual Fund
Give to SLU’s Libraries

Saint Louis University's libraries play a pivotal role in supporting our students'
academic journeys. Serving as vital hubs for research, the dissemination of knowledge
and preservation of ideas, they influence every aspect of SLU's world-class education.
SLU's Pius XII Memorial Library and Medical Center Library see more than 600,000 visits,
33,000 study-room reservations and nearly 500 research consultations in a given year.
As they navigate rapid technological advancements that are revolutionizing access to information and research, your financial support of these resources is crucial. When you give to the SLU Libraries Annual Fund, your generosity ensures that the University's invaluable resources are prioritized and our community's academic needs are met by:
• Expanding the digitization of our unique collections to increase accessibility
for students, faculty and researchers
• Upgrading study spaces to create environments more conducive and supportive for
studying and research
• Strengthening student mentorship with library faculty who help guide senior projects,
thesis work, capstones and research projects
Your dedication to our mission fosters the pursuit of truth, benefiting not only the libraries but also enhancing teaching, learning, research and scholarship for the entire SLU community.