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Fabiola Martínez Rodríguez, Ph.D.

Department of Visual and Performing Arts


Ph.D. University of the Arts, London, UK
M.A. Anthropology of Art and Visual Culture, University College London, UK
B.A. History of Art, Sussex University, UK

Practice Areas

  • Mexican Art XIX and XX Centuries
  • Art and Visual Culture

Research Interests

Inter-American and Transatlantic cultural diplomacy, artistic networks, and the role that Mexico and Mexican art played in the Cultural Cold War.

Member of the research group Descentralized Modernities: art, politics, and counterculture in the Transatlantic axis during the Cold War, (2015 - to date).

Publications and Media Placements

2024, "The Black Legend of Mexican Painting", in Irina Costache and Clare Kunny (eds.), Historical Narratives of Global Modern Art, New York: Routledge.

2024, "Pan-American Modernism and Cosmopolitan Primitivism: Covarrubias, De Zayas, and Tamayo in New York 1920-1945", in Anne Dewey and Juan Manuel Rodríguez Herrera, eds., Exploring the Hispanic Legacy in U.S. Poetry and Art, Ed: Peter Lang.

2023, "Descolonizar el Atlántico: las lecciones del indigenismo y la negritud", pp 161-188, in Paula Barreriro and María Ruido (eds.), Revolver el tiempo. Conceptos críticos, mutaciones históricas y estéticas entre la Guerra fría y la contrarrevolución neoliberal, Barcelona: Bellaterra.

2022. "Exposición Mexicana de Pintura y Estampa Contemporáneas. Mexican Art in the Eastern Front 1955: Poland and Bulgaria." Artl@s Bulletin 11, no. 1 (2022).

2021. "Mexico's Interamerican Biennials and the Hemispheric Cold War." Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, vol. 43, no. 119 (September 2021) 249-285.

2021. "The Art of Botero and Latin America's Cultural Cold War", in Cecilia Braschi (ed.), Fernando Botero, Beyond Forms, cat. exp. (Mons, Musée des Beaux-Arts, 8 octobre 2021-31 janvier 2022), Heule, Snoeck, 2021, pp 34-43.

2021. "Prometheus Bringing Fire to Mankind: Rufino Tamayo", in UNESCO Art Collection. Selected Works, Paris: UNESCO, 2021, pp 101-103.

2019. "Haciendo frente a la abstracción: las políticas transnacionales de la escuela mexicana en los cincuenta", in Paula Barreiro ed., Atlántico Frío. Historias transnacionales del arte y la política en los tiempos del telón de acero, Madrid, Brumaria.

2015. Modernidad y vanguardia: rutas de intercambio y diálogo entre España y Latinoamérica, co-editor with Paula Barreiro López, and Jesús Carrillo, Museo Reina Sofía.

2015. "The paradoxes of modernism and the divided legacies of surrealism and abstraction in Mexico", in Modernidad y vanguardia.

Honors and Awards

Summer 2023
Research Residency at the Institut Giacometti in Paris. Project "Tamayo in Paris 1950-1960".

Jan.-Sept. 2016
Terra Foundation for American Art, Academic Programs Grant for project 'Cold Atlantic: cultural war, dissident artistic practices, networks and contact zones at the time of the Iron Curtain'.

July 2016
Short Visiting Fellowship at the Smithsonian American Art Museum for the project: "Competing hegemonies during the Cold War: las bienales interamericanas de pintura y grabado en México 1958-1960".

Sept. 2013-Aug. 2014
"The Mexican Connection: Forging American Modernism in New York 1920-1945". Terra Foundation Senior Fellow in American Art Smithsonian American Art Museum.

Feb. 2006
Kress Foundation International Travel Fellowship to attend CAA conference in Boston.

UK Arts & Humanities Research Council doctoral award.