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Data Science, B.S.

  1. Graduates will be able to use programming and other computer science skills to analyze and interact with data.
  2. Graduates will be able to apply statistics to analyze data sets.
  3. Graduates will be able to acquire and manage complex data sets.
  4. Graduates will be able to use technical skills in predictive modeling.
  5. Graduates will be able to visualize data to facilitate the effective presentation of data-driven insights.
University Undergraduate Core32-35
Major Requirements
CSCI 1070Introduction to Computer Science: Taming Big Data3
CSCI 1300Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming4
CSCI 2100Data Structures4
CSCI 4710Databases3
CSCI 4750Machine Learning3
Mathematics/Statistics Requirements
MATH 1510Calculus I4
MATH 1520Calculus II4
MATH 1660Discrete Mathematics3
MATH 2530Calculus III4
MATH 3110Linear Algebra for Engineers3
or MATH 3120 Introduction to Linear Algebra
STAT 3850Foundation of Statistics3
STAT 4870Applied Regression3
STAT 4880Bayesian Statistics and Statistical Computing3
Data Science Integration Requirements
DATA 1800Data Science Practicum I1
DATA 2800Data Science Practicum II1
DATA 4961Capstone Project I2
DATA 4962Capstone Project II2
Major Electives12
Select four courses, must include at least two CSCI courses and at least one STAT course, from the following:
CSCI 2300
Object-Oriented Software Design
CSCI 2500
Computer Organization and Systems
CSCI 2510
Principles of Computing Systems
CSCI 3100
CSCI 3300
Software Engineering
CSCI 4610
Concurrent and Parallel Programming
CSCI 4620
Distributed Computing
CSCI 4740
Artificial Intelligence
CSCI 4760
Deep Learning
CSCI 4830
Computer Vision
CSCI 4845
Natural Language Processing
STAT 4800
Probability Theory
STAT 4840
Time Series
STAT 4850
Mathematical Statistics
General Electives24-27
Total Credits120

Non-Course Requirements

All Science and Engineering B.A. and B.S. students must complete an exit interview/survey near the end of their bachelor's program. 

Continuation Standards

Students must have a minimum of a 2.00 cumulative GPA in data science major courses by the conclusion of their sophomore year, must maintain a minimum of 2.00 cumulative GPA in these courses at the conclusion of each semester thereafter, and must be registered in at least one data science course counting toward their major in each academic year (until all requirements are completed).

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
CSCI 1070 Introduction to Computer Science: Taming Big Data 3
MATH 1660 Discrete Mathematics 3
MATH 1510 Calculus I (Critical course:  satisfies CORE 3200) 4
CORE 1000 Ignite First Year Seminar 2
CORE 1500 Cura Personalis 1: Self in Community 1
CORE 1900 Eloquentia Perfecta 1: Written and Visual Communication 3
CSCI 1300 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 4
MATH 1520 Calculus II 4
DATA 1800 Data Science Practicum I 1
CORE 1600 Ultimate Questions: Theology 3
General Electives 3
Year Two
CSCI 2100 Data Structures 4
MATH 2530 Calculus III 4
CORE 1200 Eloquentia Perfecta 2: Oral and Visual Communication 3
CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy 3
STAT 3850 Foundation of Statistics 3
DATA 2800 Data Science Practicum II 1
CSCI Elective 3
MATH 3110 Linear Algebra for Engineers 3
CORE 2500 Cura Personalis 2: Self in Contemplation 0
CORE 3800 Ways of Thinking: Natural and Applied Sciences 3
General Electives 3
Year Three
CSCI 4710 Databases 3
STAT 4880 Bayesian Statistics and Statistical Computing 3
CORE 2800 Eloquentia Perfecta 3: Creative Expression 3
CORE 3400 Ways of Thinking: Aesthetics, History, and Culture 3
General Elective 3
STAT 4870 Applied Regression 3
CSCI 4750 Machine Learning 3
CORE 3600 Ways of Thinking: Social and Behavioral Sciences 3
General Electives 6
Year Four
DATA 4961 Capstone Project I 2
CSCI/STAT Electives 6
CORE 3500 Cura Personalis 3: Self in the World 1
General Electives 6
DATA 4962 Capstone Project II 2
CSCI/STAT Elective 3
General Electives 9
 Total Credits120

Students must earn a C- or better.

Strongly recommended for capstone

Program Notes

STAT 3850 Foundation of Statistics (3 cr) and CSCI 2100 Data Structures (4 cr) are crucial to this program, as they serve as prerequisites for all of the upper division STAT and CSCI courses. As such, they should be taken as soon as reasonably possible.
• Possible STAT electives include STAT 4840 Time Series (3 cr), MATH 4800 Probability Theory (3 cr) and STAT 4850 Mathematical Statistics (3 cr).
• Possible CSCI electives include CSCI 2300 Object-Oriented Software Design (3 cr), CSCI 3100 Algorithms (3 cr), CSCI 3300 Software Engineering (3 cr), CSCI 4610 Concurrent and Parallel Programming (3 cr), CSCI 4620 Distributed Computing (3 cr), CSCI 4740 Artificial Intelligence (3 cr), CSCI 4760 Deep Learning (3 cr), CSCI 4830 Computer Vision (3 cr), and CSCI 4845 Natural Language Processing (3 cr).
• At least one elective must have a STAT designator and at least two electives must have a CSCI designator.
• Twelve hours of CSCI/STAT electives are required.

2+SLU programs provide a guided pathway for students transferring from a partner institution. 

Data Science, B.S. (STLCC 2+SLU)