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Radiation Therapy, B.S.

Doisy College of Health Sciences Learning Outcomes

  1. The radiation therapy student will be able to articulate ethical behaviors in clinical practice.
  2. The radiation therapy student will evidence appropriate written communication appropriate for the profession of radiation therapy.
  3. The radiation therapy student will demonstrate complex radiation therapy treatment procedures.
  4. The radiation therapy student will present a complex radiation therapy treatment procedure to an audience.
  5. The radiation therapy student will demonstrate professional behaviors in the clinical setting.

Radiation Therapy Programmatic Mission

The radiation therapy program at Saint Louis University's Doisy College of Health Sciences is dedicated to preparing liberally educated, competent, caring and socially responsible radiation therapists committed to clinical and scholarly excellence.

Radiation Therapy Program Learning Outcomes and Goals

Goal A: Students will be clinically competent

  1. The radiation therapy student will position patients as directed in treatment record.
  2. The radiation therapy student will set treatment machine as indicated in patient treatment record.
  3. The radiation therapy student will practice patient confidentiality.
  4. The radiation therapy student will practice proper radiation protection and safety.

 Goal B: Students will demonstrate problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

  1. The radiation therapy student will demonstrate complex radiation therapy procedures.
  2. The radiation therapy student will present a complex radiation therapy treatment procedure to an audience.
  3. The radiation therapy student will demonstrate appropriate problem-solving skills for the practice of radiation therapy when provided with a case for analysis.

Goal C: Students will demonstrate effective communication skills.

  1. The radiation therapy student will appropriately communicate with patients.
  2. The radiation therapy student will show evidence of appropriate written communication for the profession of radiation therapy.
  3. The radiation therapy student will demonstrate proper presentation skills.

Goal D: Students will demonstrate professional growth and development.

  1. The radiation therapy student will demonstrate professional behavior.
  2. The radiation therapy student will be able to articulate ethical behaviors in clinical practice.
  3. The radiation therapy student will have knowledge of professional organizations.
  4. The radiation therapy student will demonstrate the concepts of compassionate care.

The program annually tracks student learning outcomes as they relate to the above student goals.

Students must earn a "C" or better in math and science courses.

Undergraduate University Core32-35
Program Requirements
BIOL 1240
BIOL 1245
General Biology: Information Flow and Evolution
and Principles of Biology I Laboratory
CHEM 1080
CHEM 1085
Principles of Chemistry 1 Lecture
and Principles of Chemistry 1 Lab
DIET 2080Foundations in Nutrition2
ENGL 1900Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric and Research3
HCE 1600Embodiment, Life, and Death in Context3
HIM 4750Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine3
HSCI 2100Health Care Management3
HSCI 2200Medical Terminology3
HSCI 3200Aspects of Health Law3
HSCI 3300
HSCI 3310
Anatomy & Physiology I
and Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
HSCI 3400
HSCI 3410
Anatomy and Physiology Lecture II
and Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
HSCI 4700Quality Management and Performance Improvement3
IPE 2100Interprofessional Collaboration and Healthcare in Global Context3
IPE 4200Applied Decision-Making in Interprofessional Practice3
IPE 4900Interprofessional Community Practicum3
MATH 1400Pre-Calculus3
PHYS 1220
PHYS 1235
General Physics I
and General Physics I Lab
PHYS 1240
PHYS 1255
General Physics II
and General Physics II Lab
PSY 1010General Psychology3
SOC 1100Introduction to Sociology *3
or SOC 1110 Introduction to Sociology: Diversity Emphasis
or SOC 1120 Introduction to Sociology: Diversity and Health Emphasis
or SOC 1180 World Geography
STAT 1300Elementary Statistics with Computers3
Radiation Therapy
XRT 4310Radiation Physics2
XRT 4320Radiation Therapy Practice I3
XRT 4330Treatment Techniques3
XRT 4340Treatment Planning3
XRT 4350Clinical Practicum I10
XRT 4360Emerging Technologies2
XRT 4420Radiation Therapy Practice II3
XRT 4440Clinical Dosimetry3
XRT 4450Clinical Practicum II8
XRT 4500Radiation Oncology Patient Care and Quality Management3
XRT 4510Radiobiology and Radiation Protection2
XRT 4960Capstone in Radiation Therapy1
Total Credits126-128

All of the sociology courses listed meet professional curriculum requirements. 

Second Degree Option for students with a Bachelor's Degree 

Total semester credits vary based on applicable courses completed in an undergraduate program. The specific course plan is individually designed for each applicant.

General Electives and/or Transfer Credits51
Prerequisite courses
Principles Chemistry I with Lab4
General Physics 1 with Lab4
General Physics II with Lab4
Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab4
Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab4
Medical Ethics3
Oral and Written Communication3
Basic Human Nutrition2
Radiation Therapy
XRT 4310Radiation Physics2
XRT 4320Radiation Therapy Practice I3
XRT 4330Treatment Techniques3
XRT 4340Treatment Planning3
XRT 4350Clinical Practicum I10
XRT 4360Emerging Technologies2
XRT 4420Radiation Therapy Practice II3
XRT 4440Clinical Dosimetry3
XRT 4450Clinical Practicum II8
XRT 4500Radiation Oncology Patient Care and Quality Management3
XRT 4510Radiobiology and Radiation Protection2
XRT 4960Capstone in Radiation Therapy1
Total Credits128

Continuation Standards 

Students must maintain a 2.80 cumulative GPA to remain in Good Standing in the Radiation Therapy, B.S.

Students must earn a "C" or better in math and science courses. Students are allowed one opportunity to repeat a math or science course if they earn a grade of "C-" or below. On the second attempt, they must achieve a grade of "C" or higher, or they will be dismissed from the program.

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
CHEM 1080
CHEM 1085
Principles of Chemistry 1 Lecture
and Principles of Chemistry 1 Lab
CORE 1000 Ignite First Year Seminar 2
CORE 1500 Cura Personalis 1: Self in Community 1
ENGL 1900 Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric and Research (satisfies CORE 1900) 3
HCE 1600 Embodiment, Life, and Death in Context (satisfies CORE 1600) 3
IPE 2100 Interprofessional Collaboration and Healthcare in Global Context 3
MATH 1400 Pre-Calculus 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology (satisfies CORE 3600) 3
STAT 1300 Elementary Statistics with Computers (satisfies CORE 3200) 3
Year Two
BIOL 1240
BIOL 1245
General Biology: Information Flow and Evolution
and Principles of Biology I Laboratory (satisfies CORE 3800)
CORE 1200 Eloquentia Perfecta 2: Oral and Visual Communication 3
CORE 2800 Eloquentia Perfecta 3: Creative Expression 2-3
IPE 4200 Applied Decision-Making in Interprofessional Practice 3
CORE 3400 Ways of Thinking: Aesthetics, History, and Culture 3
CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy 3
CORE 2500 Cura Personalis 2: Self in Contemplation 0
DIET 2080 Foundations in Nutrition 2
HSCI 2100 Health Care Management 3
HSCI 2200 Medical Terminology 3
SOC 1100 Introduction to Sociology 3
Year Three
HIM 4750 Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3
HSCI 3200 Aspects of Health Law 3
HSCI 3300
HSCI 3310
Anatomy & Physiology I
and Anatomy & Physiology I Lab
PHYS 1220
PHYS 1235
General Physics I
and General Physics I Lab
HSCI 3400
HSCI 3410
Anatomy and Physiology Lecture II
and Anatomy & Physiology II Lab
HSCI 4700 Quality Management and Performance Improvement 3
IPE 4900 Interprofessional Community Practicum (satisfies CORE 4000) 3
PHYS 1240
PHYS 1255
General Physics II
and General Physics II Lab
Year Four
XRT 4310 Radiation Physics 2
XRT 4320 Radiation Therapy Practice I 3
XRT 4330 Treatment Techniques 3
XRT 4340 Treatment Planning 3
XRT 4360 Emerging Technologies 2
XRT 4500 Radiation Oncology Patient Care and Quality Management 3
XRT 4510 Radiobiology and Radiation Protection 2
XRT 4350 Clinical Practicum I (Critical course:  satisfies CORE 3500) 10
XRT 4420 Radiation Therapy Practice II 3
XRT 4440 Clinical Dosimetry 3
XRT 4960 Capstone in Radiation Therapy 1
XRT 4450 Clinical Practicum II 8
 Total Credits125-126

Second Baccalaureate Degree Track

General Electives and/or Transfer Credits 51
Prerequisite Courses  
Pre-Calculus 3
Principles Chemistry I with Lab 4
Principles Chemistry II with Lab 4
General Physics I with Lab 4
General Physics II with Lab 4
Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab 4
Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab 4
Medical Ethics 3
Oral and Written Communication 3
Basic Human Nutrition 2
Theology 3
Radiation Therapy  
XRT 4310 Radiation Physics 2
XRT 4320 Radiation Therapy Practice I 3
XRT 4330 Treatment Techniques 3
XRT 4340 Treatment Planning 3
XRT 4350 Clinical Practicum I 10
XRT 4360 Emerging Technologies 2
XRT 4420 Radiation Therapy Practice II 3
XRT 4440 Clinical Dosimetry 3
XRT 4450 Clinical Practicum II 8
XRT 4500 Rad Onc Pat. Care & Qual Manag 3
XRT 4510 Radiobiology/Rad Protection 2
XRT 4960 Capstone in Radiation Therapy 1
Total Credits 127

Program Notes

Second degree option for students with a bachelor's degree:

This 12-month program is identical to the senior year of the degree option. Successful completion leads to a second baccalaureate degree in radiation therapy. This option is designed as an alternative for the student who already possesses a bachelor’s degree and is motivated to become a practicing radiation therapist in 12 months.

To be considered for the second baccalaureate degree, the applicant must have satisfactorily completed a baccalaureate degree, with a minimum GPA of 2.8 (on a 4.0 scale), including the prerequisite courses listed above.

The applicant must complete the application for the professional year and submit official transcripts of prior college work through the SLU admission website.

The applicant must show satisfactory evidence of good character and physical ability to perform functions of the radiation therapist’s role. All applicants must meet the professional performance and technical standards required by the profession. Students must also successfully complete a drug screen and criminal background check prior to the start of the professional year.

Application to the 12-month option is via a competitive application process with admission granted on a space-available basis. The selection process includes a personal interview for qualified applicants.

Apply for Admission

Contact Doisy College of Health Sciences
Recruitment specialist

2+SLU programs provide a guided pathway for students transferring from a partner institution.