Michael May, S.J., Ph.D.
Associate Professor; Lower Division Coordinator
Mathematics and Statistics
Courses Taught
Elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, introductory statistics, college algebra, college algebra for business, math and the Art of M. C. Escher, survey of calculus, pre-calculus, calculus I for engineers, calculus I, calculus II, calculus III, principals of mathematics, financial mathematics, intro to linear algebra, linear algebra, intro to abstract algebra, graduate algebra I, graduate algebra II, homological algebra, cryptography, coding theory, number theory.
Research Interests
Current research is looking at how to effectively incorporate technology into teaching a variety of courses for students from a broad spectrum of backgrounds. Particular interest is paid to methods that will allow the incorporation to be sustainable beyond the first adopters.
Publications and Media Placements
- May, M., & Bart, A. (2017, 2024). Business calculus with Excel. Retrieved from https://excelcalculus.org/LandingPage.html
- May, M. (2024). Navigating the open-source ecosystem. Conference Proceedings for the Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM).
- Bart, A., May, M., & Pike, D. (2022). Just in time mathematics review for accounting students. Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, 18. The Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition. https://doi.org/10.25891/pjwn-e843
- Druschell, K., May, M., & Gockel Blessing, E. (2022). Statistics for nursing and allied health at Saint Louis University in the spirit of SUMMIT-P. Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, 18. The Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition. https://doi.org/10.25891/pjwn-e843
- May, M., & Pike, D. (2022). Curve fitting with exponential functions. In S. L. Ganter, D. Bourdeau, V. Piercey, & A. Filippas (Eds.), Engaging students in introductory mathematics courses through interdisciplinary partnerships: The SUMMIT-P model (MAA Notes). Mathematical Association of America.
- May, M., & Pike, D. (2022). Finding Riemann sums with spreadsheets. In S. L. Ganter, D. Bourdeau, V. Piercey, & A. Filippas (Eds.), Engaging students in introductory mathematics courses through interdisciplinary partnerships: The SUMMIT-P model (MAA Notes). Mathematical Association of America.
- May, M., & Pike, D. (2022). What-if analysis. In S. L. Ganter, D. Bourdeau, V. Piercey, & A. Filippas (Eds.), Engaging students in introductory mathematics courses through interdisciplinary partnerships: The SUMMIT-P model (MAA Notes). Mathematical Association of America.
- May, M., Segal, R., Piercey, V., & Chen, T. (2020). Good teachers borrow, great teachers steal: A case study in borrowing for a teaching project. Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, 18. The Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition. https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/jmsce_vamsc/vol16/iss1/
- “Business College Algebra.” (2018). Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Washington, D.C.
- “Introductory Statistics, There’s an App for That.” (2016). Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Atlanta, GA.
- “Teaching Business Calculus in an Era of Spreadsheets and the Internet: A Progress Report.” (2014). Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. San Antonio, TX.
- “An Introduction to WeBWorK.” (2013). Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Boston, MA.
- “Rethinking Business Calculus in the Era of Spreadsheets.” (2013). Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, XVI.
- “New Features in GeoGebra 4.0.” (2012). Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Orlando, FL.
- “Evangelizing Beyond Early Adopters: Developing Materials to Train Teachers in the Use of GeoGebra.” (2013). North American GeoGebra Journal. Retrieved from http://www.ggbmidwest.com/ojs2.3.4/index.php/ggbj/issue/view/2
- “Integrating Excel into Business Calculus.” (2009). Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Retrieved from http://archives.math.utk.edu/ICTCM/VOL23/S037/paper.pdf
- “An Introduction to GeoGebra 3.2.” (2009). Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Retrieved from http://archives.math.utk.edu/ICTCM/VOL22/M012/paper.pdf
- A Plan for Producing a Comprehensive Suite of Applets for a Course, with Single Variable Calculus as a Case Study. (2010). Proceedings of the First North American GeoGebra Conference (pp. 100–105).
- Making Random Drill Problems with GeoGebra. (2010). Confluence: The Journal of MEGSL.
- Cryptography: The Math and Science of Secrecy. (2009). PALE: Timely Teaching. Retrieved from http://wiki.nsdl.org/index.php/PALE:TimelyTeaching/Cryptography
- An Introduction to GeoGebra. (2009). Confluence, 6(1), 12–16.
- MyMathLab Applets for Visualization and Exploration in Multivariable Calculus. (2009). Electronic Proceedings of the ICTCM. Retrieved from http://archives.math.utk.edu/ICTCM/v21.html
- Using Maple Worksheets to Enable Student Explorations of Cryptography. (2009). Cryptologia, 33(2), 151–166.
- Getting Started with Maple. (2003). Wiley Press.
- Using GeoGebra to Create Applets for Visualization and Exploration. (2008). Electronic Proceedings of the ICTCM. Retrieved from http://archives.math.utk.edu/ICTCM/v20.html
- Blyth, R., Rainbolt, J., & May, M. (2006). Effective live online faculty development workshops: One model. Educause Quarterly, 29(4), 33–40.
- Designing a Computer Classroom. (2000). Electronic Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Retrieved from http://archives.math.utk.edu/ICTCM/EP-12
- Designing Courseware with Maple. (2000). Electronic Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Retrieved from http://archives.math.utk.edu/ICTCM/EP-12
- May, M., & Albers, G. M. (1996). Ring distraction technique for measuring the surface tension of sputum: Relationship to sputum clearability. Journal of Applied Physiology, 81(6), 2690–2695.
- May, M. (1992). The infinite-dimensional non-self-extending bricks for generalized Kronecker algebras. Université de Sherbrooke, Rapport No 115, Proceedings of the IVth Conference on the Theory of Representations of Algebras and Related Topics, 54–59.
- May, M. (1992). Universal localization and triangular rings. Communications in Algebra, 20(5), 1243–1257.
- Ford, C., Buddenhagen, J., & May, M. (1992). Nice cubic polynomials, Pythagorean triples, and the law of cosines. Mathematics Magazine, 65(4), 244–249.
- May, M. (1988). A von Neumann regular ring that is locally finite but not locally semisimple. Communications in Algebra, 16(1), 103–113.
- Linear Algebra (with R. Blyth).
- Abstract Algebra.
- Calculus III.
- Cryptography Locally Hosted Software.
- Applets for Courses Below Calculus.
- Java Applets for Calculus.
- Applets for Calculus III to accompany Thomas Calculus – part of MyMathLab.
- 170 WeBWorK problems to go with Holt’s Linear Algebra.
- Applets for Walch Education: 200 applets connected to 6 texts.
- IUSE-NSF Grant. Local Principal Investigator for SLU’s SUMMIT-P Grant, DUE-1625222.
- PREP Grants.
Co-principal investigator for online workshops on GeoGebra and Maple, funded by NSF grants. - Co-Principal Investigator for NSF grant DUE-9851405, “Using Computers to Extend Reform
Beyond Calculus.”
Co-principal investigator, with Russell Blyth,Ph.D., on grants from the Mathematical Association of America's Professional Enhancement Program (PREP) to present online workshops on using technology in teaching.
- "Web-Enhanced Instruction with GeoGebra" (July 11–15, 2011). Partially supported by NSF grant DUE-0817071.
- "Web-Enhanced Instruction with GeoGebra" (July 19–23, 2010). Partially supported by NSF grant DUE-0817071.
- "Web-Enhanced Instruction with GeoGebra" (July 6–10, 2009). Partially supported by NSF grant DUE-0817071.
- "Exploring Multivariable Calculus Using Maple" (June 25–29, 2007). Partially supported by NSF grants DUE-0089005 and DUE-0341481.
- "Exploring Multivariable Calculus Using Maple" (July 24–28, 2006). Partially supported by NSF grants DUE-0089005 and DUE-0341481.
- "Exploring Multivariable Linear Algebra Using Maple" (June 27–July 1, 2005). Partially supported by NSF grants DUE-0089005 and DUE-0341481.
- Co-principal investigator for NSF grant DUE-9851405, "Using Computers to Extend Reform Beyond Calculus."
Honors and Awards
- Awarded Burlington Northern Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, 1997.
- Awarded Arts & Sciences Outstanding Teacher Award, 2001.
- Awarded Faculty Excellence Award, 2001.
- Appointed to the Fullbright Specialists Roster for Mathematics Education.
Professional Organizations and Associations
- American Mathematical Society
- Mathematics Association of America